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Did you know?

Our Fundamental Information!

  • Did you know that domestic rabbits cannot breed with wild rabbits in the United States? That includes cotton tails, jackrabbits, etc. They aren't the same genus/species. Their gestation period, maturity age, breeding practices, eating habits and even the taste of their meat is different.

  • Did you know wild rabbits also cannot be domesticated (besides the fact that it's illegal). They will never lose the fear of humans and most often will end up dying in a cage. And domestic rabbits will almost always die if set free in the wild. On the other hand, domestic rabbits CAN breed with wild rabbits in Europe!

  • Did you know that you can't just feed your rabbit fruits and veggies? For a nutriant filled diet they should have pellets with no extra "doo-daads"(the fruit/veggie/treat mix) inside. Though you can give your buns fruit and veggies as treats. Please refer to Rabbit Care 101 for a list of cans and can'ts of what to eat.

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